Doc asked us to bring our baby to the laboratory to have Johann's blood checked. All the other categories were normal except for the platelet count. Oh my! Well, I said to myself, it was okay since it was still within the preferred bracket but still it was kind of low. T_T So when we went back to Doc, he told us that it is a sign of virus. It can be pox, measles, uti or worst, dengue. He told us to observe everything that Johann secretes. May be pee or poo. As long as there would be no signs of blood we're all going to be fine.
Doc asked us to go back in the afternoon to have another platelet count. Just to make sure if his count would go high or low. Luckily, when Johann had his platelet count, it went high but not high enough. So dengue has been illiminated. Doc asked us to have Johann's pee checked. Results showed that Johann has UTI. He said that it was only mild not that worse yet but he still provided us prescription for this virus.
The follwing day, Johann was already lively and so kulit already. We just continued giving him the medicine. But I noticed some bumps on his back. It was not really noticeable but if you thoroughly check his back and chest, you'll see those small bumps that is kind of reddish. Ayay yay yay yay!
It was Sunday, so the Pedia is not available. We then again had to wait for Monday. So Monday, came. Doc told us to have his platelet count once again! Wawa baby ko. He had to experience that pointy thing 3 times just to know what's going on. Platecount went back to 190. The count on the first CBC. Oh my! But Doc said not to worry too much because as he can see, it might only be measles, not dengue. BUT.. BUT.. BUT.. He said, we still have to monitor his pee and poo for any signs of dengue. We can never can tell what it might really be. Just to make sure, he said.
We are continuing his meds. So far, his appetite improved already even his kakulitan. Went back to 100% makulit. Hehe. When I checked earlier, the bumps lessened already. I can still see a few though. John and I are just praying so hard for Johann to be 100% fully recovered, so that his mood will be okay also. His kind of irritable lately, may be because it is itchy or something. We don't really know.
Anyway, for you other moms who are having these kinds of dilemma, consult a doctor right away. These viruses are really getting on my nerves especially that they keep attacking our babies.
Pray and Keep Safe Always! :)
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