Johann just turned 7th months last May 13, 2011. I was really amazed because, on that same day, he tried to let go or the railings in the crib/playpen. When he is on the bed, he also tries to hold on to the pillow first then let go once again. :) He really can't step at first, but just awhile ago, he tried a step. Bravo! my baby! :)
He really can't speak that much yet, only mama (when crying) and papa if he wants attention. However, you'll really be amazed on how "likot" he can be, that's why, he can do these things in an early age.
Anyhooo.. here are some of his photos earlier: (some are blurred)
tried standing while holding on to a pillow, then he let go afterwards. |
in this photo, he actually fell.. isn't he cute? :) |
stood up.. i thought he'd let go of the pillow here but he held on until he fell |
party party baby!! hehe.. adik much baby? :)
He's so adorable... I'll try my very best to be with all your first baby. Mommy is soooo proud of you. I Loveyou Johann..
yii! gambatte johann! ^^