
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nips... oh my!

My oh my. Last weekend, we moved to my in-laws house since it was my hubby's off. (We usually transfer back to their house kapag off nya.) Anyway, when we got there, I was surprised to see Johann's feeding bottle on the sofa. Okay wait, first pala, I just want to tell you that, I have a lot of feeding bottles for Johann. Six of them are in my in-laws house so that once we transfer, I don't need to bring the big container I have for Johann's bottles. 

So as I said earlier, I was surprised to see Johann's bottle on the sofa. I just thought, "How come there's a used bottle there, eh we just got there." So I asked Elaine, John's niece, if why there was a used bottle there. She said that they borrowed Johann's bottle for Amrix, John's niece also, to use. Hmmm...

Well, I am just meticulous when it comes to my baby's things. And yes, that was a bottle we are talking about. It has a nipple that one baby should only use. Even if it is strelized, it is not so wise to use it by another baby right? Haay. I just can't speak up, since nahihiya din ako sa in-laws ko. They might think na ang arte ko. But, I'll think about it still. I want to tell them what my thoughts are. I am just finding a way how to say it. :) Nothing personal ha. It is just pure hygiene thing. :) Hope you understand. 

I am not completely sure if you do the same thing like me. But don't you think it's more hygienic if you would not use other's bottles for your baby diba? :)

So what do you think? 

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